Don’t you love a good fresh salad? I know I do. Did you know that salad vegetables aren’t actually too hard to grow from home?
You can grow a variety of veggies from home with little to no maintenance, let’s go through some of them now.
Alfafa sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts, otherwise commonly known as “sprouts”, are a great, simple food to produce from home. They take roughly 3 days to develop their first small sprouts.
They require indirect light, and daily rinses, until the sprouts reach around 3 inches. In about a week you’ll have your own homemade alfalfa sprouts.

Lettuce is among one of the easier crops to grow, considering they’re basically just a big solidified body of water. They’re very low maintenance, so you just need some gentle regular light and a regular watering.
Some varieties take 30 days, whereas most types of lettuce you’d expect to grow within 4-8 weeks to reach full size.

Sweet peppers
Bell peppers and sweet peppers are a staple for my salads. They take around 60-90 days to fully mature and grow best in the spring.
They’re fairly easy to start, as the seeds can be sourced from fresh store-bought peppers. Just make sure there’s a regular dosage of sun and the plant’s well watered.
You should yield around 5-10 peppers per plant, so if you’ve got a lot of space to grow, get a few growing at the same time.

There’s nothing better than fresh cucumbers. These take 50 to 70 days to grow, so a little over 2 months, max.
You’re better off planting cucumber seeds around March & April, during the heart of spring. You get the best results with a greenhouse, though.

Cherry tomatoes are among the easiest veggies to grow, and they mature at around 50 to 65 days to grow. Ensure the plant is supported as it gets bigger as the weight of the tomatoes can break the stems.
Best grown in early spring, you can easily plant these indoors to get some fresh tomatoes within 2 months.

Spring onions
Spring onions are great in salads. After planting, they take up to 8 weeks to mature into grown crops.
A fun fact also, once you grow spring onions you can also regrow them up to four times, and if you’re patient, allow one crop to flower and produce seeds.

Easy salad veggies to grow from home
Life hack your salads today and start growing some veggies from home. Apart from saving your money, you learn a vital life lesson and have experience for any future food shortages.
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